Laboratory Virola.
USA President, George Bush, has recently made a brave
action. He has
permitted to American scientists to carry out investigations on
embryonic stem cells obtained from cloned human embryos. Human
embryonic stem cells obtained by Thomsons team in 1998 in USA can
differentiate into many cell types of the organism under special culture
conditions. Using these cells, researchers try to develop new technologies for
producing different tissues needed for transplantation in the cases of organ
injures. Certainly, Presidents action could be compared with a declaration of
war if there were no alternative to embryonic stem cells.
Bone marrow stromal cells in culture.
Neuroblasts differentiated from bone marrow stromal cells in
condition medium.
So called bone marrow stromal cells, which have recently been
shown to be pluripotent stem cells, i.e. able to differentiate into cells
of liver, bone, fat, cartilage, heart, and even into neurons, can be
considered as such an alternative. |
We have developed techniques to differentiate in vitro mouse bone
marrow stromal cells into progenitor cells of nerve cells and hepatocytes. We
selected stromal cells among other cells of bone marrow, cultivated and induced
them under special conditions into different types of neuronal and glial cells.
The neurons formed networks on the culture flasks. The output of nerve cells in
the technique used is about 80%.
Glial cell and spindle-shaped neuron induced by retinoic acid
from stromal cells.
Pyramidal neuron with an axon in 6-days culture of bone marrow
stromal cells induced by retinoic acid.
To develop similar methods for human bone marrow stromal cells we
need some financial support to acquire growth factors, markers and inductors.
Progenitor - cells of hepatocytes differentiated from bone
marrow stromal cells in condition medium. Staining by methylene blue
and methylene violet.
Progenitor - cells of hepatocytes differentiated from bone
marrow stromal cells in condition medium. Staining by methylene blue
and methylene violet.
Stromal cells can be obtained from a little sample of patients bone
After short proliferation and induction they are implanted into the patients
injured organs. Thus, patient himself can be the donor of cells requested for
transplantation at diabetes, Parkinsons, Alzheimers and other diseases.
Complex and expensive technology of obtaining embryonic stem cells, which
includes human embryo cloning, can be replaced, at last.
So we sponsors to promote our research program for effective and fast
application of the results obtained in cell therapy. The benefit to all will be
the result.